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OxiWear is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals and support your active lifestyle by providing accurate analytics and a personalized experience. Our unique features include continuous monitoring of SPO2, making OxiWear the first ear-wearable oxygen tracker to enable live ongoing monitoring with high level accuracy. Elevate your training potential by leveraging all that OxiWear has to offer!

Continuous Monitoring of Oxygen & Vitals

Personalized Alerts

Emergency Contact Notifications

Water Resistant

Haptic Vibration

Custom Styles


Dave Pickles Co-Founder, World's Highest Altitude OCR

"We are delighted and excited about the new partnership. We are keen to start testing the OxiWear product and believe it will help contribute in a strong, effective and quality assured way. The transferable technology is clear for us to see and will help collect data in the remote and austere environments in which we operate."

Ted Leonsis Founder, Chairman, Principal Partner and CEO, Monumental Sports & Entertainment

"I’ve been a proud, early supporter of Shavini and her life-saving work and I congratulate her on not only meeting her pre-seed funding round target – but decisively beating it, It’s a testament to how in-demand her product is and how smartly she has built her company around it. I expect she will only continue to grow, and I happily stand by her to offer advice whenever she needs it."

Dr. Hunter Paris PhD, Exercise Physiology, Associate Professor of Sports Medicine, Pepperdine University

"Oxygen saturation of the arterial blood (SpO2) bears physiological importance as it relates to the health of the pulmonary system and indicates how much oxygen is supplied to the organs. While a common aim of SpO2 measurement is the assessment of vital signs, SpO2 also holds relevance for exercise performance at moderate altitude, where endurance exercise capacity at altitude relates to the maintenance of SpO2."

Dr. Jay Groves Executive Director, Lake Nona Performance Club, Former Director of Cariopulmonary Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt University

"The importance of monitoring oxygen saturation levels in our blood is something that most people had little or no awareness of prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, Covid has taught us that significant decreases in our oxygen saturation levels can be an early indication that the virus is present and potentially compromising our pulmonary health and function, perhaps even before we actually test positive for the virus.

Current methods for measuring pulse oxygen levels can be cumbersome, situationally inaccurate (poor circulation, cold hands, thick fingernail polish, etc.) and allow for only intermittent readings. In one fell swoop, the technology which OxiWear brings to the health and fitness space completely solves for these very real measurement challenges. By creating a device which allows for the continuous, non-invasive monitoring of blood oxygen levels utilizing hardware which elegantly fastens to the ear, OxiWear has literally made it possible for anyone with a cell phone to routinely track their oxygen levels. Whether you are an endurance athlete training to compete at altitude, a COPD patient exercising to improve your quality of life or a long-Covid survivor whose breathing is at times labored, OxiWear allows you to go about your life while monitoring your oxygen levels with a degree of accuracy and consistency not previously possible."

Dr. Matthew Harber PhD, Exercise Physiology, Director of Clinical Exercise Physiology Laboratory at Ball State University

"Measuring blood O2 saturation during exercise is a key component of comprehensively assessing cardiopulmonary physiology to aid the identification of abnormal responses and to elucidate potential limitations."

Dr. Tristen Starling-Smith PhD, Exercise Phsyiology (University of Central Florida), Metabolic Health and Performance Scientist

"As the intensity of exercise increases the metabolism shifts from aerobic to anaerobic energy production. The measurement of the oxygen saturation of arterial blood (SpO2) continuously during exercise may provide a non-invasive insight into when this is occurring and the recovery capacity of individuals following the end of anaerobic exercise."

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